Jewish Montessori Curriculum for Elementary
In our Elementary School, the curriculum is designed to be immersive, ensuring an enriching learning environment for students. We focus on key subjects and essential skills that contribute to well-rounded development.
Our lower elementary classroom includes boys, grades 1-3 and girls, grades 1-5.
Judaic Curriculum
Hebrew Language/ Kriyah/ ChumashOur curriculum is exciting and allows us to connect with one another and the material. We work on learning the skills needed to delve into our Torah and enjoy taking deeper looks into the Parsha and Midrash stories we have learned about since we were young.
This includes:
Jewish Culture / Human Culture / HistoryIn our classroom, we learn about the basic needs of all human beings as well as our needs as Jewish people. We celebrate our differences and similarities and focus on respect and kindness for all.
Tefillah (Prayer)Ensuring a child’s relationship with G-D is fluent and meaningful is a high priority at SCDS, which is why we work with students to make tefillah more than just a routine. Students are taught the meaning and relevance of the prayers and have the opportunity to join local congregations so they understand the communal aspects of tefillah so they are comfortable with both the public and personal forms of Jewish prayer.
General Studies
English LanguageWe lay a strong foundation in English language skills:
MathOur math curriculum follows a hands-on approach that progresses from concrete to abstract:
GeographyOur geography curriculum starts from the micro and expands to the macro: